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SAR Command Assist Desktop Update History

Date Published
Very minor update here to 7.8.1. This one has improved performance on tasks where either assignments, or coordinates, have been imported from sartopo.

Download 7.8.2

  • For those who use Connect Rocket, you can now take the results of a callout and import them to automatically check everyone into the incident. To use this go to Operations (or logistics) > Member Status and look for the "Connect Rocket" panel on the right. Browse to the Connect Rocket callout results CSV file and press the button to check everyone who responded "Yes" into your incident.
  • Medical history/medications/disabilities/allergies will now be included in the SMEAC briefing automatically.
  • Safety hazards identified by safety plans will now be shown in the briefing automatically.
  • Fixed an error in the RADeMS for GSAR.
  • Added the ability to update the channel number for entries on the comms plan.
  • Minor tweaks in the assignment name text to handle imports from sartopo with letters and numbers in the name.
  • Moved from .net 4.7 to 4.8

Download 7.8.1

  • Added the ability to restore deleted items (e.g. assignments, objectives, etc.). You can access it from File > Restore Deleted Items.
  • Added an ASE# field for each aircraft added in the air ops plan.
  • Fixed a bug preventing you from editing incident objectives or strategies.
  • Fixed a bug causing an error on some systems when editing ambulance or hospital records.
  • You can now right click on a comms log entry to copy that entry to the clipboard for pasting elsewhere.
  • Changed how operational periods are created and edited. Rather than being created automatically when the numeric counter is increased, you now have to intentionally press the "ADD" button to add a new operational period.
  • You can now add Branch, Division, Group, ST, and TF roles in the organizational chart. When creating a new assignment, you can select who that assignment reports to in the "Additional Details" dropdown. By default all assignments will report to the Operation Section Chief. This info will also display on the list of assignments, so you can easily sort that list by who the assignments report to as needed. There is also an option now under (Edit > Options) that will allow you to automatically add a Strike Team Leader to the organizational chart for each team assignment you create.
  • The automatically generated PowerPoint slideshow for briefings now includes the map QR code if you added it to your briefing.
  • Added some additional troubleshooting tools to review and edit the list of saved task updates.
  • Adding or editing the personnel on an assignment is now done with a separate screen, in order to improve the load time of the main assignment editing screen.

Download 7.7.0

  • Updated the user interface when initiating or joining an internet sync
  • Made some additional changes to the internet sync to try and improve performance
  • Some troubleshooting tools have moved from the File menu to the Help menu on the main screen
  • Added a "Print" item under File on the main menu for printing the task or op period
  • Mitigated an issue that caused Notes to take a long time to load on larger tasks

Download 7.6.2

  • Added a "Print" menu under File on the main page of the program. The functions are the same as elsewhere, but hopefully in a more
  • Several bug fixes
  • Joining a new internet sync should go faster now

Download 7.5.2

  • Fixed a bug impacting some internet sync users joining an existing task

Download 7.5.1

  • Added a tool to move your options file to a different location. This is useful when multiple computers are working off the same shared OneDrive folder, which could cause some complications
  • Added some additional organizations to the system, welcome to Georgia SAR members
  • The "Recent Activity Log" on the member status screen now shows only the 30 most recent in/out records rather than a full history
  • When entering a RADeMS score, fixed a bug where typing the team name in the box at the bottom wasn't correctly associating the score with that team
  • You can now correctly use CTRL+X/C/V on the task number field
  • When creating a BC task package for submission to EMCR, you can now pre-fill your name, phone number, etc. in the fillable fields. it will remember the last name, phone, etc. that you used.
  • Updates to the internet sync to make it more efficient
  • Organizations can now be updated using Help > Check for Data Updates instead of waiting for a new version of the software
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes caused some text boxes to appear blank or unusable
  • When creating or editing personnel, you can now set the broader category of agency (bc sar, alberta, law enforcement, etc.) then set the more specific agency (Campbell river sar, rcmp, etc.)
  • Fixed an issue where joining the network sometimes hung when using a "trusted" device
  • Fixed a niche issue where an org chart used roles created using version 6 of the program, which prevented them from printing properly

Download 7.5.0

  • Fixed a bug that caused templates to be lost when saving a new task for some users.
  • Added the ability to delete personnel check-in records. Select individuals on the Member Status screen, right click, and select Delete Check In.
  • When adding members to a team assignment, you can now just type the name of someone not already in your list. you'll be prompted to add a new person when you do.
  • Fixed a bug that triggered when checking in members who had been added to assignments on another machine.
  • The program should no longer prompt you to save when checking for app updates (unless you actually have unsaved work).
  • Fixed a bug on the planning dashboard that caused deleted assignments to remain.
  • When you click on a button on the main screen to show something, and that something is already open and minimized, it should now pop it up for you.

Download 7.4.0

  • Fixed a bug when using the "Request options from server" feature
  • New screens for editing safety plan templates (and fixed a bug while i was in there)
  • Minor tweak in how the shortcut buttons are saved on the back end
  • Increased the length of the randomly generated encryption keys to 35-42 characters long
  • Fixed an issue when printing equipment inventory that resulted in duplciate entries for some items
  • Added a button on the Member Status screen that allows you to assign the selected members to a team assignment
  • On the Member Status screen, there is now a toggle between "Advanced View" and "Simplified View". The intention of Simplified View is to remove some of the extra clutter from the screen and make it more suitable for an unattended work station.

Download 7.3.0

  • Added options in the Position Log screen to view logs from other positions or operational periods
  • Added the ability to export the position log to CSV (a spreadsheet)
  • Added a 15 minute option for automatic backup frequency (30 minutes was previously the most rapid frequency)
  • Added the option to rename "ECC / EMCR" to whatever your dispatching agency might be as desired.
  • Expanded tools for building your task timeline (Planning > Timeline)
  • Fixed the printable QR codes in Edit > Personnel > View QR, they should now scan correctly.
  • Added a new easter egg
  • Updated the code used for barcode sign in, it should be more reliable now
  • When adding to the position log, changes will be credited to the current role if an individual hasn't been assigned to that role (rather than saying "Unassigned")

Download 7.2.0

  • Fixed a bug that showed deactivated members in the "Bulk Check In" window
  • Added a "40+ FA" column to the team assignment screen to show which teams have a member with 40+hrs first aid certification
  • Added a "callsign" box when editing a comms system
  • Added lots of new organizations/sar groups and re-organized the existing ones a bit
  • Fixed a bug that prevented some members from correctly displaying on the team assignment screen when added via another computer on a network
  • Improved performance when opening a saved file
  • Possible fix for an issue causing templates to disappear for some new users
  • Added optional shortcuts for canned comms entries. By setting shortcuts (such as F1, F2, etc.) you can quickly apply a comms entry template.

Download 7.1.0

This is a major new release of the SAR Assist program with a large number of changes. Please note it is NOT backwards compatible, and will not work together with version 6.14 or open tasks created in 6.14. It will install in parallel and will not overwrite 6.14 so both will be available on your system. I STRONGLY suggest reviewing the news item on prior to updating.

Download 7.0.0

  • Bug fix for an issue impacting a minority of users, causing performance issues with the internet sync.

Download 6.14.42

  • Fixed a bug that some users encountered when trying to network with v 6.14.40
  • Changed the desktop shortcut to read "SAR Command Assist Classic" in preparation for the new version's launch soon

Download 6.14.41

  • Added a news feed into the app so important updates can be distributed to everyone easily.
  • This is likely the last update of version 6.x. To learn more about the upcoming version 7.0 check out the news!

Download 6.14.40

  • Changed how often member status is sent to the internet sync to try and alleviate some issues

Download 6.14.39

  • The org chart form should save much faster now
  • equipment sets should automatically add to subsequent op periods after the first now
  • fixed some errors on the planning dashboard
  • when exporting member check-ins, you now get the members email and phone number (if provided) in the spreadsheet
  • members who update their information and sign in a second time should now have those information updates shown
  • Minor UX updates to the ICS Responsibility screen
  • Updated the task package utility. it now sets the page order per EMCR's preference (reimbursement, then personnel, then receipts, then task report). You can also add up to 3 additional pdfs

Download 6.14.38

  • Improved performance for the internet sync, it should work faster and require fewer resources now

Download 6.14.36

  • When you download an update to the program via the Help > Check for App Updates menu item, an anonymous record of the download will be saved on the server (no identifying info at all).
  • Updates on the back end to improve performance of the internet sync in some circumstances

Download 6.14.35

  • Fixed an issue where deactivated team members were appearing in the team assignment screen and bulk check-in screen.
  • Added a screen when you connect to an internet sync task that will display until the sync is caught up.
  • Updated some of the background code on the internet sync, which may help for those cases where an unstable internet connection causes the internet sync to freeze.
  • Added a troubleshooting utility to reduce the file size.
  • Added a troubleshooting utility to change the background incident ID number.
  • Adjusted the frequency at which the software checks for a new version of itself from 15 days down to 4.

Download 6.14.34

Fixed a bug when sending or receiving RADeMS scores over the internet sync

Download 6.14.33

  • Added RADeMS scores for each team to the Ops Dashboard
  • Added quick buttons for setting reminders in the position log screen (30m, 1hr, 2hr)
  • Changed "EMBC" to "EMCR"
  • Automatically convert all subject profile images to png to avoid issues
  • Fixed a couple of minor bugs
  • Added a count in the lower right corner when using internet sync to show how long its been since the last sync.
  • Convert clue images to png to prevent future issues
  • Minor UX tweaks
  • When a member signs in by barcode, the system will prefer their self-reported qualifications and info vs the info saved on your system. This will be especially valuable for mutual aid members, but does mean people need to keep their info up to date on their phone.

Download 6.14.32

  • Fixed a minor display bug on the bulk sign in screen
  • Fixed the "expected duration" on team assignment forms
  • check for invalid characters in task names when creating folders
  • Updated the menu at the top of the main page to include a "COMMAND" section, and moved briefing-related menu items there. Renamed the previous menu item simply "IAP"
  • Added a "General Message" form (found under Command)
  • Fixed a bug that would cause network errors with very specifically sized subject photos
  • Fixed a bug that caused saved incident objectives to overwrite when added to a task in some cases
  • Finished implementing RADeMS. The "Set" buttons now allow you to work through the full RADeMS process with the same prompts as the mobile app
  • Longer messages in the radio comms log will now automatically split across several lines instead of getting progressively smaller.

Download 6.14.30

  • Increased the width of the Name column on the member status screen
  • when adding members to an assignment, they'll immediately show up on the member status screen as "not signed in", rather than only showing up when an assignment becomes active
  • Fixed a bug when exporting sign in records where members have a comma in their name, such as Last, First.
  • Some bug fixes
  • Minor visual update on the main screen of the site
  • Renaming "Sign In" to "Check In" to more closely align with ICS terminology
  • Added a button to the member status screen that allows you to edit the member's record
  • Added a welcome screen triggered when a member signs in by bar-code, giving them a chance to confirm/edit the details.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented setting most alternate save locations
  • Reduced the number of gps points saved when using the Import from GeoJSON tool to create assignments
  • Added a button to the Print Op Period screen to automatically email the document to the IMT
  • Added some string compression prior to encryption for updates sent via internet
  • Moved the urgency calculation into the Incident Objectives screen
  • Updated the incident objectives screen to bring it better in line with other screens
  • Added a S.M.A.R.T. objective builder to the incident objectives screen
  • Added a logo on the main page of the program
  • Updates to the Member Status screen, including an Activity Log to track the comings and goings. This should serve as a nice unobtrusive confirmation that members have effectively signed out via barcode (or other means)
  • Added a warning when setting the incident name if the current operational period began more than 2 days ago. This should help folks who leave the program open all the time remember to set the op period timings correctly.
  • Began added a RADeMS tool into the program, it can currently be found in the comms log and position log screens. it does not yet have the ability to set scores using the decision making matrix, just manually set to a number. This tool is currently available in the Position Log and Communication Log screens. Logging a RADeMS for a specific team will also update the radems entry on that team assignment sheet.
  • Added a check for a corrupted options file

Download 6.14.29

  • Fixed a bug that was preventing the checkmarks from appearing correctly on the IAP buttons
  • Added better error messages when users input invalid internet sync key
  • Updated menu text on the main drop down menus to increase clarity
  • Improved performance of the Import Assignments from GeoJSON tool and corrected some numbering issues there
  • Fixed a display error, the number of members needed for an assignment should now display correctly.
  • The Help > Check for app updates tool will now work correctly, and allow you to download new versions of the software.

Download 6.14.27

  • Under Edit > Options you can now select a "Parent Organization" to filter the list of SAR teams presented elsewehre in the app.
  • Added Alberta SAR teams to the list of organizaitons
  • Added a backup location distinct from the normal file save location. It would be a good idea to point this to a folder synced to cloud storage for extra redundancy
  • Some UX tweaks to ensure new windows open up on the same screen as the main app by default
  • The team members section on the Team Assignment screen now allows you to start typing member's names to add them to the list a little more easily.
  • The Network Log tab on the main screen has been renamed "Sync Log" and includes internet sync events as well.
  • Fixed a bug that could prevent the command team from displaying properly when changed via internet sync
  • Updated the qualification import from d4h to account for newly re-named qualifications. It will also remove expired qualifications from members during the sync.

Download 6.14.26

-Internet sync is now available! you can find it under Network on the main screen of the app.

Download 6.14.25

-Updated the Safety Plan screen to be in line with the other screens. Screen one shows a list of plans, lets you print, etc. and a detailed screen for a single plan is used to edit or create.
-Lots of background updates to support better networking support and faster updates to various screens when changes occur via the network
-Added the team leader’s name to the Team Assignments dispaly screen
-Added a sar team column to the members list on the main page of the program
-Added an optional automatic backup. If selected (Edit > Options) the system will automatically create a duplicate of the current task every so often (you specify the frequency). the file will be saved in the same folder as the primary save file, and be called something like "2022-jan-01 14-22 BACKUP Task 12345.xml". If something happens to the primary file, you can always go back and open the most recent. Note if you leave ICA running all the time, this could get out of hand, please monitor disk usage.
-New user interface when networking. it should be more pleasent to use, more clear, and better handle machines with multiple IP addresses.
-Bug fixes from 6.14.24 build 1
-Added a "Browse to task folder" option under File on the main screen
-Added an option under File Management that will let you create automatic sub-folders within the task folder used by ICA. These sub folders can be whatever you want, and should help you standardize file storage during a task.

Download 6.14.24

-Fixed a bug when importing assignments from GeoJSON where it would choke if the first assignment was unnumbered.
-Fixed a display issue on the team assignment list if the window is too small.
-Fixed an issue with the operations dashboard not updating properly when comms were logged from a network device
-When task name, number, or agency file number are updated in a network environment it will now propogate those changes

Download 6.14.23

-Moved the default save location for the main .xml file for each task from the root "SAR Form Helper" folder into the task-specific folder where all the PDFs accumulate already.
-Fixed a bug where the "Save and Print" button on team assignments didn’t close the window.
-Added customizable shortcuts to the main screen of the program to give easy access to various functions. If there’s something you’d like added to the shortcut bar let me know.
-Fixed a bug with the network support where signing a member in while connected to the network would cause the program to freeze
-LKP from the subject profile will now import into the SMEAC briefing correclty
-Fixed a typo in the application title bar
-Removed the dedicated team debrief screen, as this function is now available in the revamped team assignments screen.

Download 6.14.22

-Fixed a bug in the internet-detection code that could cause an error message when offline
-Added new fields to the debrief screen which capture range of deteciton, team spacing, and team speed. They aren’t shown anywhere else yet.
-Fixed a bug on the team assignment screen which was clearing the number-of-members on an assignment
-Added a map URL QR Code to the briefings printed with team assignments
-Updated the Member Status page with some new options: Sign Out and Adjust Times impact all selected members, and you can now review equippment assigned to a member
-Members added to assignments or ICS roles will nwo show in the list of members on the task, with a prompt to sign them in (when their assignment completes or they leave that ICS role they will disappear unless signed in)
-When signing members out, a prompt will be shown if any equipmet is still issued to them

Download 6.14.21

-Added a friendly error message when anti-virus programs block the PDF viewer from opening
-Added a summary panel to the "Team Assignment Statistics" screen to show the quantity and total area of assignments by type (e.g. it will show you have 5 grid search assignments with a total area of 2.32 square kms)
-When printing multiple team assignment forms from the "Team Assignments" screen, it will now put them all in a single PDF sorted by priority order, rather than creating a unique PDF file for each assignment.
-Fixed a bug when double-clicking on an assignment in the Assignment List tab on the main screen
-Fixed a bug when debriefing an assignment with a start date in future day.
-Added a new "Team Assignments" screen which lists all assignments and allows for various functions. Editing an individual assignment still opens the familiar screen (for now). Users who prefer the old way with a list of assignmetns to the right can toggle an opion in the Options form to switch back.
-When auto-save is enabled and assignments or comms entries are updated, the task will save immediately
-Updated how assignments are sent over the network (should be an invisible change)
-Added a "Review/Close Ops Period" screen with high-level summaries and tools to help clean up at the end of an op period by showing assignments still "in progress", members not signed out, and issued gear that hasn’t been marked as returned.
-(back end) moved the rest of the PDF creation code over to the desktop services project to keep the main UX clutter free.
-On Equipment Sets, you can now select an option to have that set automatically added to every task. If you always roll the same command vehicle for example, you can have that vehicle’s equipment automatically available to be issued on a task.
-Added the option to print the entire task to date, rather than just one op period. Accessed under IAP and Briefings menu item, or the new Reivew/Close Op Period screen.
-Added options from the Ops Dashboard to update team status directly (this creates an automated comms log entry)
-Tweaked the default position of the Comms Entry popup to keep it more centrally located when it appears
-Fixed a bug on the Position Log screen that wasn’t showing the "Completed" checkbox correclty.

Download 6.14.20

-Fixed a bug that prevented hosting over a network when you have more than one network address
-Fixed a bug that prevented editing an Assignment Debrief if the "Debriefed By" field is blank

Download 6.14.19

-Improved the GeoJSON import feature when used with un-numbered assignments
-Added buttons for the Assignment list, ops, and planning dashboards to the Team Assignments tab on the main screen
-Added MGRS position format
-Update assignment RADeMS during the team debrief
-Various back-end changes
-Fixed an error generating Subject Profiles with the new task number format
-Updated the task number format default

Download 6.14.18

-Bug fixes
-Added an Equipment tab to the main screen
-When printing a shift change briefing, it will now automatically include the position log (if available)

Download 6.14.17

-Bug fixes
-Added a new screen to view all outstanding position log entries for the op period

-Added member group names to the "Issue equipment" screen
-Added more SAR Group logos, it now includes all logos displayed on the BCSARA page.
-If your computer is acting as a "server" for other computers, you will now be prompted to confirm before exiting ICA.
-When you scan an equipment barcode, it will display who the item is currently assigned to (if applicable)
-Updates to the main screen’s user interface, including new section-based button menus, and updated dropdown menus at the top.
-Updates to the Planning Dashboard, with buttons to access assignments, notes, and clues. You can also click on most checkboxes to access the relevant screens as well.
-You can now set a default ICS role for a computer under Edit... Options
-Fixed a bug in the org chart that would reset it after a new member was added
-Added position logs for all ICS roles. These logs are tied to the specific role, and can be updated and printed as expected. All changes to a log are saved, and "Print Verbose" will allow you to print a full change history for each log entry.

-Changed the export to csv feature for equipment to show a log of issued and returned rather than current status
-Updated the dropdown list when issuing equipment to a member. it now highlights members who are signed in as blue, and allows you to start typing member’s names to select them from the list.
-Fixed a bug where the whiteboard wouldn’t update when changed from the main task screen
-Fixed an error when double-clicking on an assignment in the planning dashboard
-Fixed an issue where client machines would continually prompt for a save location
-Added a BCSARA or SAR group logo to the "Print Op Period" title page. If your sar group logo isn’t showing, please send a high quality png logo file to [email protected]

Download 6.14.14

-When applying a team assignment template, it will no longer overwrite an existing assignment name (unless that name is just the assignment number)
-When you are disconnected from a network host, you should only see one message about it now instead of tons.
-Under Edit > Equipment you can now add equipment like radios, inreaches, batteries, headlamps, stuffed animals, whatever you want. You can also import these items from D4H.
-Added an equipment option under the Logistics tab on the main task screen. This allows you to add equipment to the task (from the saved ones entered above, or ad hoc), issue equipment to people or assignments, and track the equipment’s status. This is not a replacement for D4H or other inventory management, this is purely for on-task equipment tracking like issuing radios and such.
-Added several dietary notes for members (veg., no gluten, other). This will be used later on when more logistics features are implemented.
-Back-end updates to networking, which will allow multiple tasks on the same network using different Ports.
-Added a confirmation when doing a member import from a CSV file

Download 6.14.13

-Bug fixes for the geoJSON import utility

-Added a logistics section to the main page
-Added the ability to store Vehicles, both on the task, and in the general settings
-Added a new utility under Network that will allow you to pull Options from the computer acting as a server. This will replace the options on your current computer.
-Added a utility under the cog menu on the team assignment screen that will allow you to import assignments from a geonJSON
-Fixed a bug when importing a subject profile from another task.
-Added a briefing item for "Map URL". If added, the briefing will automatically include a scannable QR code for that URL, including the briefing given with team assignments.
-Added several options on the "Note" screen for other types of note

-Bug fixes when editing some options

-Added several new fields to the SMEAC briefing under Map Orientation related to digital mapping and team tracks
-Added Shift Change Briefings under the "IAP and Briefings" menu item. These briefings are intended for the IC or section chiefs to leave notes for the folks filling their roles on subsequent operational periods. In addition to the general notes field, you can automatically append the other information referenced in the shift change checklist, when available.
-When exiting the Edit Assignment Debrief screen, you will be prompted to save any changes.
-Fixed a bug that would prevent a second page of sign in records from printing when only 7 members were signed in
-Fixed a bug where the currently selected member on the Team Member Status screen would always jump back up to the first member in the list
-Added the ability to edit the Briefing template directly. Go to Edit > Edit Briefing Template to make changes that will apply across tasks
-Added the ability to generate multiple blank Check In (211) sheets for your choice of sar groups

-Added a legend for different assignment colours under the Help menu
-Canned comms entries can be automatically marked as "Critical"
-Eliminated clues now appear in grey on the list of clues
-Added a Group column when exporting the signed in member list
-Fixed a bug that was clearing all team members when editing one using Edit... Edit SAR Team Members

Download 6.14.7

-Fixed a bug when creating new Team Assignment Templates
-Fixed a bug when editing Ambulances and Hospitals
-Added a button to refresh briefing info with material from the subject profile, comms plan, etc.
-Added an option under the "Cog" when viewing the list of team assignments that will automatically update the comms systems on the assignment to match the comms plan for this op period.

-Added a small tool under "Utilities" that allows you to enter a coordinate. It will then tell you which police jurisdiction that coordinate falls within.
-Added several other calculators under Utilities to help estimate the duration and resource requirements for grid searches.
-You can save contacts between tasks in a general list of saved contacts. Great place for things like regional resources, embc contact numbers, etc.

-Added a general notes feature, which you can find under Planning on the top menu. General notes can be used to store interview notes, briefing notes for incoming managers, or anything else you happen to want to write down.
-Notes can be included in the Print Operational Period document
-Added several qualification checkboxes to the printed ICS 211 check in record, as well as the must be out time.
-Updated the icon to a higher quality image
-Updated the comms log entry popup box to use the consolidated recipient pickers you see on the inset form already

-Added a privacy reminder at the very start of the standard briefing template
-Added a button to add new people while editing the org chart
-Added "Canned" comms log entries. This allows you to define entries for common communications like radio checks and departing base, and associate each with an automatic team status. Edit them from Edit > Edit Canned Comms Log Entries, and use them by clicking the lightning bolt button next to the comms message.
-Added the option to include the Mission and Execution sections of the general SMEAC briefing with team assignment packages. (see Edit Options > Print Options)
-The comms log recipient list will no longer include assignments from previous operational periods
-You can now set the start and end times of the operational period. Call-ECC alerts will only occur if the current time falls between the start time of the first op period, and the end time of the last. This will prevent annoying alerts when re-opening older files. The start and end times of the op period will also be shown on the Incident Objectives (202) page of the incident action plan.
-The Ops Period panel will also colour based on whether the current time falls before, after, or during the displayed op period. If the op period ended before now, it will be grey (archival), if it is the current op period it will be yellow, and if you are viewing a future op period it will be blue (planned).
-Added a Timeline feature. Timelines will automatically include the start and end of op periods, and any comms log entries marked as critical. In addition, you can add other timeline entries for either SAR events, or you can list subject-related events leading up to the callout such as a timeline of contacts, cellphone pings, camera sightings, etc.
-Timelines can be printed out either in whole, or filtered to subject / sar events.
-Timelines can be included in the Print Operational Period document

-Added the ability to export the list of members signed into the task to a CSV file sorted alphabetically, for easier entry into d4h
-Fixed an issue where the list of members in the Command Team drop downs wouldn’t populate correctly in a network environment
-prevent a network error when switching from Host to Client mode
-Added the ability to save additional contact names/numbers for the task. This would be useful for logging contact info for witnesses, community contacts, tasking agency reps, mutual aid managers, etc. You can find this feature under IAP and Briefings > Additional Contacts

  • Minor visual updates to include branding on the main page
  • When entering a new comms item, the list of recipients will be sorted alphabetically now
  • added a different colour for planned assignments on the team status board
  • Added a Planning Dashboard which includes a list of pending work, and assignments for the current and next operational periods
  • Fixed a minor bug on the communications log screen (the Critical Message checkbox would drift if the screen was resized)
  • Updated the method by which the program checks for and receives data updates (updated templates and such).

Download 6.14.0

  • Fixed an issue where deactivated team members were appearing in the team assignment screen and bulk check-in screen.
  • Added a screen when you connect to an internet sync task that will display until the sync is caught up.
  • Updated some of the background code on the internet sync, which may help for those cases where an unstable internet connection causes the internet sync to freeze.
  • Added a troubleshooting utility to reduce the file size.
  • Added a troubleshooting utility to change the background incident ID number.
  • Adjusted the frequency at which the software checks for a new version of itself from 15 days down to 4.

Download 6.14.0

I've created a Facebook Page here: which can be used to discuss upcoming features, development priorities, use cases, etc. If you're interested in being part of the conversation go ahead and Like that page. If I get some interest, there I may do a live tutorial one evening.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented "Mark as briefed" on the ops dashboard from propagating across the network
  • Estimate the duration of linear (go walk that trail) assignments when creating an assignment (in addition to the grid search estimation already in there).
  • Added an option on the Org Chart screen to print the contact list with the chart
  • Added email addresses to the contact list below cellphone numbers
  • Fixed an error that caused Print IAP to crash when the option to include contacts was selected but the org chart was blank
  • You can now select a time when using the "Sign out all members" feature
  • If a member is signed out for a future time, they will show with a new status "Travelling home" until their sign out time is reached.
  • Update to the briefing section, pressing [TAB] should now take you to the space in the next line where you can write. Additionally, the section and item text has been reduced in font (size 11pt) to make more space for what you write.
  • Minor update to the comms log entry form, the time box now forces a 24h clock, and shows the date as well as the time. this will give you some control when back entering old comms log information from previous operational periods.
  • Significant updates to the Search Theory section! The screens used to define segments and enter a Mattson have been completely redone, hopefully in a way to makes them smoother and more intuitive to use. Along with the updates, you can now include the Mattson and team statistics when you Print Operational Period.
  • Added a printable Mattson entry form to the Map Segments screen under Search Theory on the menu. The printable form is intended for a single user to make their assessment, which would then be entered into the program. I went with a proportional Mattson to be consistent with the current methods taught in the SARM1 course.
  • Added a button to the Team Assignment Statistics page that will let you prioritize the assignments by POS (with the highest POS being priority 1, others being sequentially lower priority from there)
  • Updated the Ops Plan printout, it now includes the POA, POD and area where provided.

Download 6.13.0

  • Added an option (Edit > Options) when printing the briefing that goes with the 204 assignment form to include or exclude the blank space under Mission and Execution. Originally the idea was that TLs would write their briefing into those sections, but most aren't so why not save paper!
  • Added an option (Edit > Options) to colour-code team assignments by type (IRT vs Tracking, etc.). The colour will appear on the "Assignment Name" box on the first page of the team assignment. This is intended to make sorting assignments by type a bit easier.
  • Added some error checking to prevent multiple copies of the same member when adding people to a team in the Team Assignment screen
  • Removed the Done button from the subject profile screen as it wasn't working correctly.
  • Updated the sign in and out forms to no longer display seconds.
  • Fixed a bug in the pop-up comms log that prevented comms entries from sending over the network
  • Added options (Edit > Options) to have a computer automatically enter server-mode, and another to modify the default port used for networking.

Download 6.11.0

  • Updates to the briefing screen to make it more intuitive. There will be additional updates to this screen soon.
  • Addressed a bug that caused an error message when the program started up if a connection to the database couldn't be made to check for updates.
  • Updated the communications log screen. The on-screen entry form should now be more obvious, and it will remember your preference to have it open or collapsed.
  • When saving a clue via the comms log, an automatic entry will be added (and marked critical) in the comms log for the clue.
  • Added an option to include a contact list with phone numbers for folks in various org chart roles when printing the Incident Action Plan. The option is found in Edit > Options.
  • Minor update to the buttons below the team assignment list, there is now a "cog" button with more items, including the ability to move an assignment to a different operational period.
  • When importing coordinates to a team assignment description, you can now import "points" in addition to routes and polygons. Importing a point (e.g. a SPOT location, LKP, etc.) it will appear in the description labelled the same as it was in your GPX file.
  • Upgrades to the coordinate import, it will now more often find key points rather than just giving a centre or north coordinate (it may take a little time on complex shapes like a buffer search made using a snap-to-trail tool with hundreds of points)
  • Added an operations-specific dashboard with a list of active teams, planned assignments, and members.
  • From the ops dashboard, you can mark an assignment as "briefed" and an automated log entry will be made to change their status.
  • When an ICS role is selected for a work station, some elements on the main screen will now be colour-coded for that role as a helper.
  • Fixed a bug in the comms log that resulted in custom names entered being duplicated between from and to
  • Fixed an error when printing the full IAP including safety plans if there were no records for Op Period 1.

Download 6.1.0

I'm pleased to announce a new stable release for the Incident Command Assistant. Thanks to the hard work of the folks testing the experimental releases, and the truly staggering number of people lost recently, there have been plenty of changes to find and squish bugs. All reported and repeatable bugs have been corrected.

If you are currently using version 5.0, here are some of the changes in brief:
  • Added pretty icons to buttons throughout the application to make navigation quicker
  • Print the entire operation period including (at your option) the IAP, team assignments, radio log, and sign in sheets. You'll find this option under the "IAP and Briefings" menu item
  • When allowing another network device to download the task, you can "trust" the computer, to make future task transfers happen automatically.
  • You can now enter team assignment debriefs and clues directly into the application
  • Added support for a "must be out" time when members sign in

If you're already running version 5.94, the changes are fairly minor bug fixes.

Download 6.0.0

  • Minor bug fix that should address the issue where sometimes changes would be lost while editing/adding SAR team members (if anyone was having this problem, please check it with the new version and let me know!)
  • Corrected an issue where safety plans weren't properly filtered by operational period
  • Added more help on the Log Communications screen for team status
  • Added a warning when establishing a server with more than one IP address
  • Added some code to clean up duplicate safety plan templates that some systems may have accumulated

Download 5.94.0

This version is almost entirely bug fixes. If you encounter any bugs please report them soon, as I'm trying to build confidence for a stable release - more data, even "it worked fine" is very helpful.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented custom ICP callsigns from being used by default
  • Reduced the size of the member QR codes generated by the system. This was done by compressing some data and omitting other data such as callsign and emergency contact relation. This should leave the barcode scannable when printed as small as 25mm per side. Great for sticking on the back of ID cards.
  • Fixed a bug with reflex task editing
  • Fixed some display errors on the Incident Objectives screen
  • Fixed some spacing issues impacting screens using scaling
  • Fixed the Debrief and Clue menu items on the Teams menu at the top of the main screen
  • Added an "Add a clue" button to the communications log screen
  • Added an indicator to the "Filter by Assignment Type" checkbox on the team assignment screen to show which assignment types are currently selected
  • Bulk sign in now correctly defaults to your primary sar group
  • Added a checkbox to the sign in screen to enable/disable the must be out time (thus allowing you to actually request an out time of 00:00 if you want)

Download 5.93.0

This release feels bigger than it really is, and that's due in large part to the visual improvements on the form. I've added icons to the buttons on most screens, which will hopefully make them stand out better, and make it easier to navigate the screens.

Other changes:
  • Added a "View QR Code" button when editing the list of SAR members on the team
  • Added a button to "Export QR Text" to the Edit SAR Team Members screen. This button generates a CSV file with the strings that need to be represented by the QR codes used to sign in and out in the app. By using this CSV file, you should be able to use a "mail merge" tool in Word or elsewhere to create QR codes for all of your team members.
  • Visual improvements on the Assignments screen to make the workflow more clear (I hope!)
  • When making team assignments, you can now filter team members by the assignment type. e.g. if you've checked the "swiftwater" assignment type, you can filter to show only swiftwater members. Similarly, if you have selected any of the assignment types and activate the filter, those without GSAR will be excluded from the list. Thanks to Nanimo SAR for the suggestion.
  • Fixed an error that prevented swiftwater certifications from importing correctly
  • Fixed a bug that caused changes to team members not to be shown until the app has been restarted
  • Added a Save and Print button to the Edit Clue screen
  • Added a digital signature field to the 204 team assignment/debrief form. This would allow digitally-completed assignment debriefs to be signed and saved as desired.
  • Added a prompt after the task number and name have been entered asking if you want to save. Regardless of your response, you won't be prompted a second time, but it can be a good reminder. The auto-save feature only works after you've done an initial save.
  • Added a "currently displayed" count to the member status board. This will give you a count of the number of members currently displayed (based on your various filter settings). Thanks to Nanimo SAR for the suggestion.
  • Added several more generic safety plans, thanks to Gordon at Shuswap SAR. To download them go to Help > Check for Data Updates.

I'm hoping to get lots of feedback on this, and other recent releases, to build confidence and get a stable version sent out for those who prefer them. If you use this or recent versions please let me know (a) if you found bugs or (b) if everything was great.

Download 5.92.0

This update contains a minor bug fix to the qualification import feature

Download 5.9.0

This is primarily a bug-fix update
  • Fixed bugs related to the comms log entry form shown on the comms log screen
  • updated the interface for editing reflex tasking items
  • fixed an error when importing members from d4h with blank or duplicate Reference IDs.
  • on a related note, the import now uses emails rather than reference ids to match existing members to members in the import list. There seems to be a lot of variety on how teams are using the reference field in d4h, so this should be more consistent.
  • Added an option to view/save/print a unique QR code for each member which includes their contact info and qualifications. This barcode can be used to sign in on any system using ICA equipped with a QR barcode scanner. More details on this feature as it gets tested more thoroughly. If you're interested in trying it out please let me know and I can send you more info.
  • Added some GUI elements around the sign-in-by-barcode functionality. You can now turn listening on and off manually on the member status screen (and have it default to on or off via the options menu).
  • Updated the sign-in screen to allow filtering by SAR group for existing members (it should default to your primary group as defined in the options). I also made the "Sign In" buttons blue so they're more obvious.
  • Updated the member status screen to reorganize the buttons and add new options: you can now view an individual member's details from this screen, and you can update the sign in and out times as well.
  • Fixed the missing save button when editing preset safety plans

Download 5.8.0

This version includes improvements to the Print Operational Period function introduced recently, as well as a number of bug fixes for the comms logging section of the application.
  • When printing the operational period, a new option allows you to only include those assignments that have at least one or more comms entries logged. This avoids printing those assignments that were never deployed.
  • Team assignment maps now correctly print along with the team assignment and debrief when printing an operational period.
  • Improved matching when entering communications to/from names rather than selecting from a list.
  • Added generic "Tasking Agency" entry for comms logging. If used this should cut down on the varied entries within the same task (e.g. one comms operator uses "RCMP" while another uses "Police" and another "Kamloops RCMP") which could lead to the comms log being harder to read easily.
  • Fixed a bug that could lead to some assignment statuses being duplicated to multiple assignments in the team status board.

Download 5.7.0

In addition to the new updates in 5.5 (adding team assignment debriefs and clues), this version includes the following minor bug fixes:
  • Fixed a bug that caused the automated assignment-closed comms message when debriefing a team not to send over network
  • Added more on-screen help and error check around the Coordinates box for clues
  • Added the team leader's name to the debrief list (when available)

Download 5.6.0

  • In the comms log, when you start typing a new entry into the on-screen entry form, it will automatically set the current date unless you have just manually set one.
  • If you have logged any communications with a team by team number prior to creating the team assignment (ie either the "Station Called" or "This Is" fields have the team's number in them), it should now correctly associate those communications with the new team assignment. This requires an exact match between your previous entry and the new Team Name.
  • The save-status flag in the top right corner of the main screen has some additional behaviours: "Unsaved" will get darker and darker as you add more stuff to the task without saving. If you save manually, it will gradually go from a nice happy green to an angry red as the save gets older and older.
  • Added the ability to enter assignment debriefs and clues into the program
  • Fixed an error when printing the check-in lists that would prevent some data from displaying when there were 2+ pages
  • If a member has entered a "must be out" time, it will display when adding members to an assignment
  • When adding members to an assignment, a tooltip will show the SAR group, current status, and special skills (helpful if they're longer than the box is)
  • Swiftwater and mountain rescue now correctly show on the Edit SAR Members list, and can be added when editing an individual member.

Download 5.5.0

  • Updated the Options screen to break sections up into tabs. This will give me more room for additional options in the future
  • Added the ability to export the communications log to a CSV (comma-separated-values) file
  • Updated the process used to connect a computer to a host/server. When you request a download of the full task, it now gives the host the option to "Trust" the computer making the request. The next time that trusted computer connects (e.g. the next task) and requests the task, it will be delivered without a prompt on the host computer. This should be a bit of a time saver for a busy ICP, as you'll be able to trust all the computers commonly on the network.
  • Fixed the Now button on the comms log entry screen, it now correctly sets the current time
  • it isn't too late if you'd like to participate in the survey to help guide future development:

Download 5.4.0

  • Corrects a minor bug for operational period 10+
  • This version should be relatively safe for tasks, the task number storage seems to be working well on several tasks.

Download 5.3.0

  • Corrects a minor issue that caused the program to close when printing the check in sheet.
  • Minor bug fixes with the new task number storage.
  • The automatic update notifications will only prompt for experimental releases if you're already using an experimental version.
  • BETA test for sign in by barcode (drop me a line if you're interested in details)

Download 5.2.0

Note this is a more unstable update than usual, please please please do not use on tasks yet until the change to task numbers has been more fully tested.
  • Added a menu item to print a single pdf with the IAP, comms log, sign in sheets, and all team assignments for an op period (under "IAP and Briefings" on the menu)
  • Added the ability to import member callsigns from D4H by specifying the correct column in Excel
  • Changed how Task Numbers are stored, allowing the option to have letters in the task number.

Download 5.1.0

This new version introduces a TON of new features since the last stable version 4.0.
  • Multiple computers can collaborate over a local area network (LAN)
  • You can sign members in and out of the task
  • Log communications and track team status
  • Updated name ("Incident Command Assistant"), logo, icon
  • Bug fixes and stability improvements
  • Improved user interface on most screens
  • A set of tutorial videos are now available here: or view here on the Support page.

Compared to the last experimental version (4.27), this release has minor bug fixes and UX improvements.

Download 5.0.0

  • Fixed a new bug in the operations plan in version 4.25 which turned it into a game of memory
  • Fixed a bug when using the Sign Out All Members that would overwrite individual sign out records
  • All ICS roles will now display their responsibilities and forms as per ICS documentation. Additionally ICS roles all now colour code correctly.
  • Minor UX bug fixes
  • Tutorial videos have begun to be released or view here on the Support page.

Download 4.27.0

  • Fixed a bug in the communications log that prevented some updates from propagating across the network.
  • Introduced some ICS role help as well (starting with Command functions so far). If you select a function and click the little help button, it will show you the role's responsibilities and the associated forms. I'm going to try to get all of the ICS roles outlined in this way for the next release, but I wanted to get the comms log updates out asap. Feedback on this feature welcome. Thanks to Mike for the suggestion!

Download 4.25.0

In addition to the fixes to the team member sign in and org chart in 4.23, this version corrects a reported issue with transmitting safety plans over the network.

Download 4.24.0

This release corrects and issue introduced in 4.22 involving changes to the command team which could result in an infinite loop and program crash in network environments of 3+ computers.

Download 4.23.0

  • This experimental release hopefully fixes a bug that occurred when using 3+ machines on a network and signing members out of the task.
  • It should also fix a bug that occurred when trying to use the same comms item for multiple "functions". The downside of the update is that tasks created with previous versions of this program will not load the comms plan properly.
  • Improved the screen used to enter comms plan items (saved and mid-task)
  • Minor update to show the channel # when selecting items in the comms plan
  • Cleaned up the descriptions for built-in Preset Tasks. To get the updated descriptions, go to Help > Check For Data Updates and tick the box that allows the system to overwrite local changes. This should not impact templates you've created, just the ones that came with the program.

Download 4.22.0

Minor bug fixes from version 4.20.

Download 4.21.0

  • Bug Fixes.
  • Updated user interface for the briefing screen.
  • Added the ability to print multiple team assignments at once (either selected from a list or an entire operational period at once).
  • Updated the coordinate import tool when making team assignments, it will now give either centre or north-most coordinates for complex shapes.
  • The app will now check every 2 weeks (if internet is available) to see if a new version is available.
  • You can now create multiple subject profiles. Data from the profile will be added to the SMEAC briefing, rather than the other way around.
  • Set a default save location via General Options, rather than always defaulting to Documents
  • Set default comms plan items via General Options

Download 4.0.0

  • estimate assignment duration or POD given area and range of detection for assignments.
  • updated Medical Plan entry form. Also added the ability to select a RIT from the list of teams created, and have it auto-populated on the form.
  • improved file handling.
  • minor bug fixes.

Download 3.8.0

Updated the user interface design
added medical plans, comms plans, and org chart
added urgency calculation
Program will now automatically download reflex tasks, premade assignments, etc. when first installed
added the ability to include a PDF map, to be printed with team assignments
added the ability to import GPX data and include coordinates in the team assignment sheet
added Print IAP button to consolodate the entire IAP in a single PDF
Updated date format to spell out the name of months (e.g. "Oct" instead of "10")
Add team members to the team assignment form within the app

Download 3.7.0

Corrected a minor bug with printing team assignments, updated installer so uninstalling the previous version should no longer be required.

Download 3.1.0

Added Incident Objectives, Briefing Templates, and automatic subject profiles with team assignments

Download 3.0.0

Sign In Assist Update History

Date Published
This is the first experimental release of a new program called SAR Sign-in Assist. This program is intended to be left running on a key computer or two, say at your hall or in your ICP. Members can sign in either using the on-screen buttons or via a barcode scanner. Sign in records can then be sent to ICA over the network once your ICA instance is up and running for the task. Once they're synced up, future sign-ins will automatically go to ICA until you close it, at which point they'll just continue to accumulate in the Sign In Assist app. My hope is that this makes ICA easier to integrate into your existing sign-in workflows, thereby removing a barrier to use. If you do give it a try, please let me know, it is in very early stages and like ICA, feedback from users will have a big hand in shaping the app going forward.

Download 1.00

My SAR Assist Mobile App Update History

Date Published
Major update to the user interface on all of the calculator pages

Download 1.80

This is the first public release of MySARAssist, a mobile app designed to assist (ultimately) with a variety of things in SAR. Right now the features are a little sparse - it will generate sign in and sign out QR codes for folks using barcode readers to sign in with ICA or the upcoming SAR Sign-In Assist. It also has a few calculators in it to help figure out spacings and pacings and all that fun stuff. Available in both Android and iOS.

If you have ideas for future features, please let me know!

Download 1.20

Update Process

The update process at this point is pretty straightforward. After a new feature has been added or a bug fixed, a test version of the application is set to a few lucky teams. They then try it out themselves on practices (or tasks if they're feeling brave) and report the results. If the app performs well during a complex practice or task, I release it to the general users.

Request a Feature

Commonly-Requested Features

Here are the features that have already been requested by some of our users. Feel free to add your voice to a specific request.

  • Sync via web
  • Work on multiple devices simultaniously
  • Team status tracking
  • Radio logging
  • Tutorial Videos
  • Equipment Tracking
  • Sign in by barcode
  • Record team debriefs via the app
  • Mobile app for team leaders
  • Mac, iOS, Android versions
  • Recieve/process radio input via COM port
  • Greater integration with mapping solutions

What would you like a hand with?
Policy on Requests

There is no guarantee I’ll manage to implement any specific request, but I’ll happily consider it and do my best to accommodate requests when and where possible. As a wise man once taught me, “You don’t ask, you don’t get”.